We believe that nurturing your wellbeing  is of paramount importance. Our Meditation recordings are designed to help you to drop into your natural state of wellbeing. You can share the recordings from theMeditation Hub with your whole family and access them at any point of the day, directly from your phone. In today's fast-paced world, it's not uncommon for families to lead busy, demanding lives, which can sometimes lead to the build up of stress and tension in the body, and a feeling of being stuck in unwanted feelings and thinking patterns. This is where Meditation acts as a resource for relaxing and your whole being; whether that is just by yourself or by getting present with loved ones. Finding moments of stillness and calm will support you to let go of any tension that has built up, it will allow you to return to your natural state of being and aid clarity and calmness to a busy mind.

The Power of  Meditation

Meditation is not just about individual wellbeing; it's about cultivating a sense of togetherness, supporting emotional health, and mindfulness in everyday living. By taking some moments to be completely present with yourself you are connecting your mind, body and soul and this is one of the most powerful things you can do for your overall wellbeing. 

Please click on the video below and sample a meditation from our Meditation Hub 



Building a community

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Everyday living and building a community that you can fit into your everyday life. 


What a gorgeous weekend it has been, the past two weekends in fact. I love the sun, it makes such a difference to your overall mood, do you agree? Or are you a winter person and love cosy nights and fluffy socks? I’m probably both if I’m honest. There’s definitely space in my life to enjoy both. 

We have really made the most of having some down time the past two weekends and dropping into the simplicity o…

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You deserve some of the good stuff too


Supporting you to find ways to ease the tension built up in everyday living. 

How often do you pass on things because you are so busy being everything to everyone? 

Stop holding back. Do it now, do it today - building in a few minutes of what you enjoy into your everyday living will change the way you approach your life. I usually filter mine into my morning routine or lunch break because come the evening, I’m fit for nothing because the demand for me to be there for my family is at it’s great…

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Being Mum

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On reflection of international women's day and mother’s Day I wanted to share some insights around my motherhood journey


Becoming a mum and raising two girls in this world is my biggest achievement. Loosing my own mum has been my biggest heart ache…. But the two have shaped me into the person I am today and I love this version of myself …. 

The circle of life (Elton John jumps in my head every time I write that) is something we are all on, it is the reality of the human race.. We are bor…

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