We all have innate wellbeing and perceive the world through our own thoughts.
Our levels of consciousness determine the value of our thoughts and thinking.
It’s really empowering when we understand life this way and it helps us to not be scared of of experiences.

Are you comfortable with your feelings as and when they show up? 

I use to be riddled with anxiety and was in a constant state of fight or flight. I would overthink every situation in my life and bend over backwards to be there for others often disregarding myself to please others. I believed that I needed to be everything to everyone and control life as it happened. I often listened to my mind over my body and I missed all the cues my body was desperately shouting at me, as I over rid them with my thinking and belief systems, hence why I was in a state of hypervigilance  most of the time. 

Then I was introduced the understanding that has had a profound impact on my wellbeing and the way I live my life, but most importantly the impact it has had on the relationship I have with myself and  I share that with you within this membership. 


 The Wellbeing Membership will support you to get more present in your life. Your nervous system needs rest in order to reset and I guide you to trust in yourself and make yourself a priority in your own life. 


Supporting you to find some stillness in your day 

Weekly Zoom 

Live zoom call from the comfort of your hom


Areas of reflection and understanding as you go


"My hairdresser anxiety has almost completely disappeared. I went today and felt anxiety coming on but it went away in a matter of seconds. All thanks to the membership and learning to sit with the discomfort.  It was lovely relaxing experience and I even read a book!”

Member since 2022


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Follow these three simple steps and join our community 

Step 1

Download the App and register for free. Get curious and enjoy

Step 2

Explore and engage with the App features and share with others 

Step 3

Upgrade to gain full access to The private membership content 

What our Members say about being in The Private Membership 

How does the Membership help you

I have lived experience of feeling overwhelmed and anxious over everything in my life. I understand how consuming it can be and how life can feel like there’s no break, no time for YOU and the relentless feeling of it all… well, The Private Membership will empower you to become more present in your life without adding anything to your ‘to do list’ 

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The Wellbeing Membership


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